France Installed PV Capacity Reaches 10GW

  • France solar PV installed capacity has hit the 10GW milestone.
  • The percentage of solar power in the energy mix increased by 2.9 per cent year on year in 2020.

According to France’s renewable energy association (SER), the country’s installed solar PV capacity passed 10GW mark last September. The new figures released based on data from the Association of Electricity Distributors in France (ADEeF) and grid operators Enedis and RTE showed that the cumulative capacity is 10,201MW. 

about 283MW of new capacity was connected to the grid across the country in Q3 2020. Comparatively, only 172MW and 179MW were added in Q1 and Q2 respectively. Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie regions lead in total solar PV installations with 2,705MW and 2,132MW respectively.

SER reports indicate that in Q3 2020, solar provided about 4.6 per cent of total energy demand, a 2.9 per cent increase year on year from 2019.

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