GBC to Pilot Solar Energy for Cost Savings

  • GBC will test solar energy in one or two studios to explore broader use.
  • Solar aims to reduce electricity costs exceeding 50% of GBC’s revenue.
  • Upgrades in GBC’s online and social media departments will enhance TV and radio content convergence.

Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) plans to use solar energy to reduce electricity bills. Director General Professor Amin Alhassan announced this at Accra’s 2024 Stakeholders’ Conference.

The conference, themed “Sustaining GBC as a Public Service Media in the New Media Ecosystem,” focused on GBC’s future. Prof. Alhassan said GBC will start a pilot project to power one or two studios with solar energy. This project will help GBC determine if solar can work more widely across the Corporation.

“High electricity costs strain our budget,” Prof. Alhassan said. “Solar energy offers a potential solution. We will test it in one or two studios to see if it suits us.”

As of April 2024, electricity costs consume over 50% of GBC’s revenue. Prof. Alhassan emphasised that diversifying power sources remains essential for the Corporation’s financial stability.

The pilot will help GBC assess the effectiveness of solar energy. If it proves successful, GBC could expand it to other areas. GBC management commits to exploring this green energy option.

In addition to the solar project, GBC is upgrading its online and social media departments. Prof. Alhassan said these upgrades will improve TV and radio content integration. This effort forms part of GBC’s strategy to adapt to the changing media landscape.

The conference provided a platform to discuss GBC’s future. The discussions centred on ensuring GBC’s sustainability as a public service broadcaster. Prof. Alhassan stressed the need for innovative solutions to meet new media demands.

GBC sees adopting solar energy as a proactive step. It aims to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. The pilot project will offer insights into large-scale solar adoption.

Rising electricity tariffs are causing significant financial challenges, so Prof. Alhassan stressed the importance of finding alternative energy sources. Solar power could help GBC manage its budget more effectively.

The conference highlighted the importance of embracing new technologies. GBC’s commitment to exploring solar energy reflects its forward-thinking approach. The pilot project will start soon and will guide future energy decisions.

GBC stands ready to embrace renewable energy as part of its operational strategy. Prof. Alhassan expressed optimism about the benefits of solar power. This initiative aligns with global trends toward sustainable energy solutions.

GBC is taking significant steps to manage its energy costs and modernise its operations. The pilot solar project plays a vital role in this effort, potentially reshaping GBC’s energy strategy in the coming years.

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