Germany to Support Battery Projects with EUR 1 Billion

  • The German government will support innovative large-scale and strategic projects with EUR 1 billion. 
  • Projects that would be funded will have to be approved by the European Commission. 

The German government will support innovative large-scale and strategic projects with EUR 1 billion. The projects to benefit from the funding are those from all stages of the battery value chain. This is to be done as part of an expansion of the IPCEI project European Battery Innovation (EUBatIn).

The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) has stated that they are now receiving expressions of interest and that the last day for submission is February 6, 2023.

Projects that would be funded will have to be approved by the European Commission. 

Over 50 companies from 12 EU states are already partaking in two IPCEI projects. This includes 13 companies from Germany. 

While speaking bout the initiative, the minister for the German economy Robert Habeck stated that the entire battery value chain must be brought back to Germany as the own know-how is paramount for the development of a sustainable automotive and energy industry. 

To further expand Germany’s independence in the area of batteries, however, the framework conditions for battery production in Europe must be made more attractive, Habeck added.

The financing to be granted by the German government is expected to give a strong impetus to the battery ecosystem in Germany and Europe, according to the ministry.


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