Germany’s 187MW Solar Plant Begins Supplying Power to the Grid

  • The solar park is presently Germany’s largest solar park and when completed, will house 465,000 solar panels.

  • The project is financed exclusively by the energy utility company EnBW and will provide power under a PPA agreement.
  • Construction of the project is expected to be complete by the end of the year with full operational capacity expected next year.

Germany’s largest solar power plant has started supplying power to the electricity grid. The 187MW solar power plant is currently being built by the utility company EnBW at Werneuchen, Brandenburg, about 80km from the capital city of Berlin.

The facility, when completed, will comprise 465,000 solar modules. While construction is still on at the other end of the solar park, the solar modules and inverters already installed at the other end have started providing power supply to the grid. EnBW is working towards completing the installations for the entire solar pack by the end of the year. The company stated that challenges associated with the pandemic had initially delayed construction, but the company is hoping to start full operations by the turn of the year.

The cost of the facility is €100 million financed exclusively without subsidy from the German government. EnBW has signed a power purchase agreement but is yet to reveal the details of the contract.

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