Germany’s Renewable Energy Surge: 55% in 2023

  • Renewable energy made up 55% of Germany’s electricity in 2023.
  • Germany targets 80% green power by 2030, reducing nuclear and coal use.

Germany’s energy regulator reported that renewable energy accounted for 55% of electricity on national networks in 2023. The country aims for 80% green power by 2030, moving away from nuclear, reducing coal use, and reserving gas plants for grid backup.

The Bundesnetzagentur stated that among renewables, offshore wind accounted for 31.1%, solar 12.1%, and biomass 8.4%. This 55% share in 2023 increased by 6.6% from 2022 due to capacity expansions and weather factors. Power grids, overseen by consumers, are shifting to support decentralised low-carbon energy, mainly from wind and solar.

Public power load fell by 5.3% to 456.8 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2023 due to lower demand and prioritising green power by gas and coal. Germany’s energy demand dropped post-Russia-Ukraine conflict, impacting exports and causing 2022 price surges. Wholesale day-ahead power prices in 2023 fell 60% to 95.18 euros/MWh, nearing 2021 levels, benefiting consumers.

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