Ghana: Dep Energy Minister Promises MPs of More Electrification Projects

  • Ministry of Energy assures members of parliament of continued electrification efforts.

The Ghanaian Ministry of Energy has guaranteed the Members of Parliament from various constituencies across the country of sustained efforts to connect unserved communities to the national grid. Mr William OwurakuAidoo, Deputy Minister of Energy, disclosed this when he appeared before the House to respond to questions from the Members of Parliament.

According to him, Barinya, Tubzia, Norilo-Abi, Kparivaka, Da-Azio, Nangua, Kalboyiri and Bamtambara communities in the Nalerigu/Gambaga Constituency were not part of any of the Ministry’s ongoing electrification programme, adding that engineering surveys had been carried out in some of these communities in the Nalerigu District of the North East Region as part of the Ministry’s Last Mile Electrification Survey for consideration for connection to the National Electricity Grid. He said the remaining two communities, Kalboyiri and Bantambara, had been noted and would be considered for connection to the grid in subsequent phases when funds were available.

Concerning Wulensi Constituency, the Minister said Sakpe, Gunguni, Kapugu, Bangdiyili, and Asarfoche communities were part of the Ministry’s ongoing Self Help Electrification Programme (SHEP-5) Rural Electrification Project in the Nanumba South District.

The Minister said the delays in the project execution were a result of the shortage of some key materials, adding that the Ministry was expecting deliveries of some materials, saying, “the Ministry of Energy expects to complete the installation works by First Quarter of 2023.”

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