GHANA: ECG to Upgrade Meter Management System

  • ECG to install modern meter management system
  • The MiDA commissioned the system

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) is set to upgrade its current meter management structure. The ECG will begin installing a new Meter Management System aimed at integrating the company’s smart metering platforms. The new management system was commissioned by the Millenium Development Authority (MiDA).

Delivering his address at the commissioning, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MiDA Martin Eson-Benjamin, stated that the new metering system would reduce power theft, reduce the cost of metering services, ease the purchase of prepaid tokens, amongst other benefits. Eson-Benjamin also stated that the new metering system would help the ECG solve the challenges of multiple meter types within its system.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Minister of Energy, Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh, stated that the new metering system would ensure the securitisation of the revenue stream of the ECG. The Minister added that the new system would address the challenge of multiple and wrong billing due to obsolete metering infrastructure.

“This policy decision is underpinned by some key challenges in the distribution sub-sector, which include high prevalence of poor or obsolete metering infrastructure, the lack of harmonisation in metering technologies on the part of ECG’s multiple suppliers, wrong billings — over-billing, under-billing, wrong customer data — all occasioned by near-obsolete meter management system,” Prempeh said.

MiDA is an implementing agency for Ghana Power Compact II, a US Government program that forms part of the $316 million Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

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