GHANA: ECG Warns Against Using Third Parties for Electricity Transactions

  • ECG warns against third party transactions
  • Urge customers to contact ECG directly

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has warned its customers in the Tema North region from using third parties for transaction services. This is because the third parties, popularly known as ‘Goro boys’, allegedly fraudulently charge the customers more for payment transactions.

The District Manager Tema North, Mrs Tamara Asomanin-Wiafe, said,  ”Our doors are open, and we would want to encourage customers to please contact us directly for their services, and also in a bid to curb incidents where customers end up paying much more money than is required to self-styled agents,”

Mrs Asomanin-Wiafe further urged the customers to report any misconduct by staff of ECG for appropriate actions and sanctions to be taken. She added that customers are not to make payment for meter installations or faulty equipment repairs.

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