Ghana: EOCO and Ministry of Finance in Electricity Debt

  • ECG threatens to cut power supply of Ministry of finance and EOCO
  • EOCO and the Ministry of Finance owes ECG US$57.798

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has hinted that it will soon cut power to the Finance Ministry and Economic and Organised Crime Office(EOCO) in the ongoing national disconnection exercise. 

In an interview with Joy News, the ECG stated that if these two state institutions do not pay their ¢421,038.02 (US$57.798) debt, they will be unplugged from the national grid. Steven Larbi Siaw, the ECG disconnection task team leader, stated that no indebted institution would be spared during the revenue mobilization process.

“So, as you already know, we’ve been tasked. We’ve been around to make sure that the indebtedness of the ECG is brought down. So as we’ve been tasked to go ahead, we’re doing just that,” he said.

 Mr. Siaw went on to say both public and private entities would be next in line for possible disconnections if they did not pay their debts as quickly as possible.


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