GHANA: GH¢59 Million Worth of Meters Left in a Warehouse Years After Procurement

  • GH¢59 million worth of meters left unused
  • Meters remain locked up in a warehouse

The 2020 Auditor-Generals Report on statutory boards and corporations has shown that meters worth GH¢59 million remain locked up in a warehouse years after their procurement by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

The ECG between 2014 and 2016 had procured 265 meters and conductors, which have not been deployed to date. The Auditor-General, in its report, recommended that the Management of the ECG ensure these meters are fully deployed, or the amount would be recovered from the officers involved in the procurement.

The report also shows that the ECG 24.30% of the power purchased from the generation companies to system losses. The report also revealed that electrical materials worth GH¢11,581,019.21 were loaned to eight beneficiary companies. The report also showed that ECG incurred expenses of GH¢182,576,235.15 in capacity charge by Cenit Energy for 2018 while Cenit supplied electricity only twice in the year.

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