GHANA: GridCo Moves to Tackle Settlements Under High Voltage Transmission Lines

  • GRIDCo moves to tackle settlements under high voltage lines
  • Urges the public to stay away from high voltage transmission infrastructures

The Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo) moves to tackle the menace of settlements under high voltage transmission lines. The Director of System Operations of GRIDCo, Mr Mark Awuah Baah, stated that the economic activities and residential housing underneath the transmission lines constitute a severe safety challenge, and if measures aren’t taken to curb these settlements, it becomes a disaster in waiting.

”This borders on the security of our staff and so we are working with the National Security to make sure that this problem is nipped in the bud. This has to be resolved,” Baah said.

”We are talking of 161,000 to 330,000 volts. Ordinary 220 volts in our homes can easily kill people, so you can imagine thousands of volts,” he added.

”If a line is to fall where people are, no one will be made out; all bodies will be charred. Do not stay under the transmission lines,” Baah warned.

Mr Baah explained that due to the high voltage transmitted on these lines, human activities in and around the locations of the transmission infrastructure are not allowed. Therefore, he urged members of the public to stay away from such high-risk areas.


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