Ghana: IES Wants the Government to Lift Ban on Renewable Energy PPAS

  • The IES wants teh government to lift the ban on renewable energy PPAs.
  • Ghana currently pays over $45m for unused electricity.
  • IES says renewable energy can offer comparative tariffs and lower energy costs.

The Institute for Energy Security has called for the government to lift the ban on renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements (PPAS) in Ghana. The institute believes that this will allow for the acceleration of clean energy p[rojects in the country which would aid the country’s decarbonisation efforts and provide cost-efficient energy for post-Covid-19 economic recovery and growth.

The Ghanian government in 2017 suspended the issuance of new licences and permits for wholesale electricity supply and utility-scale grid on connected solar PV and wind power.

Ghana currently suffers from an energy surplus, with over $450 million being paid annually for unused electricity. The Institute for Energy Security believes that with efficient renewable technology, lifting the ban for clean energy sources will provide clean energy sources with comparatively cheaper tariffs that would even become cheaper down the line.

The IES added that the deployment of clean energy is needed to fight climate change, create sustainable “green” jobs and catalyse much-needed infrastructure and economic development.

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