GHANA: Previous Administration Signed Costly PPAs – Energy Minister

The Ghanian Minister for Energy Dr. Matthew Opoku, has accused the former administration of President John Mahama of signing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) which it deemed as costly and desperate.

Dr. Opoku has said, all 40 PPAs signed by the former administration costs the government a lot and resulted in the increase in electricity tariffs in the country. According to Dr. Opoku, the administration of President Nana Akufo-Addo renegotiated three PPAs saving the government $1.4 billion.

The Minister added that the government has put a hold on signing new PPAs. ”There’s a moratorium on any further PPAs. We won’t sign take-or-pay business again” Opoku said. The new PPAs will ensure the government pays only  for the energy it uses.

Speaking on the scheduled blackouts, the Minister assured Ghanaians that the scheduled blackouts will soon be a thing of the past. ”ECG published a timetable for that and it ends tomorrow. I can’t give you a Yes, No answer because I don’t know what will happen tomorrow but we are assured that for what they needed to know, the reason why they came up with that timetable, it ends tomorrow” he said.

The scheduled blackout is due to end today 18th May, 2021.

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