Ghana to Build Waste Treatment Plant in Tamale

  • The plant will serve the Tamale Metropolitan Area
  • It will treat 1000m3 of liquid waste and recycle 200m3 of solid waste daily
  • It will promote environmental sustainability by promoting recycling


The government of Ghana has concluded plans to construct a waste treatment plant in Tamale. The solid and liquid waste treatment plant will serve the Tamale Metropolitan Area. The plant is billed to be completed in 12 months and will be capable of treating 1,000 cubic meters of wastewater daily.

It is hoped that the plant will help reduce daily solid and liquid water in Tamale and the surrounding towns of SWavelugu, Nantong, Tolon, Kumbumgu, and Mion. Increasing urbanization across African cities have resulted in a waste management challenge. This $23.6m plant is equipped with recycling and composting units that will help provide farmers in the area with compost and fertilizers for crops.

Adequate waste management is essential to environmental sustainability. As African cities grow, there is a need for a concerted effort to manage waste. To adequately do this, cities and their residents must incorporate sustainability in their waste disposal, and embrace concepts like recycling, especially in their daily activities.

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