GIZ Launches Biomass Power Generation Project in Vietnam

  • The biomass power generation project aims to facilitate technology cooperation and networks on the use of biomass for electricity and heat generation.
  • The project aims to improve private sector capacities for developing biomass investment projects.

The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) has launched a project to improve the preconditions for the sustainable use of biomass for power generation in Vietnam. The project will strengthen the country’s planning, technical and financial capabilities. The Vietnamese Government has disseminated vital policies and support mechanisms for biomass energy development to facilitate this.

The “Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Vietnam (BEM)” project has three main action areas. The first surrounds legal and regulatory frameworks. It supports adjustments to regulations on planning and licensing biomass energy projects, particularly at the provincial level.

The BEM project will update or assess government stakeholders’ needs to facilitate biomass energy development. It will also develop strategies for provincial biomass development plans and draft recommendations for improving the approval process of biomass energy investment projects. The second action area is capacity development. The project aims to improve private sector capacities for the development of biomass investment projects and enhance financial institutions’ capacities to finance biomass energy investment projects.

The third action area addresses technology cooperation. The project aims to facilitate technology cooperation and networks between Vietnamese and international enterprises, research institutions and universities on using biomass for electricity and heat generation. Vietnam has strong potential for bioenergy as the available biomass resources in the country include post-harvesting and post-processing agro-forest residues and waste such as bagasse, straw, rice husk, coffee husk, coir, wood residues and other agricultural/industrial byproducts, as well as livestock waste for biogas.

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