GIZ to Develop Platform for Clean Energy Projects Monitoring in Tunisia

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ),  intends to improve renewable energy projects monitoring in Tunisia.
  • The initiative part of the agency’s Support for the Implementation of the Tunisian Solar Plan (APST) Programme
  • The programme intends to develop the renewable energy sector through concessions to independent electricity producers (IPP).

The German international development cooperation agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) intends to improve renewable energy projects monitoring in Tunisia. The agency is calling for tenders for this purpose. The project is part of the agency’s Support for the Implementation of the Tunisian Solar Plan (APST) programme, a cooperation between the government of Tunisia and the Federal Republic of Germany. Interested companies have until February 26th, 2021, to apply.

Read also: Tunisia Launches Tender for 70MWp Solar Energy.

The Tunisian government adopted the APST programme in a 2015 law, with implementation commencing in 2016. The programme targets the production of 30 per cent (up from 3 per cent) of the total energy of the country from renewable sources by 2030.

The programme intends to develop the renewable energy sector through concessions to independent electricity producers (IPP). Some of these projects are currently in development, including the construction of three solar power plants with a total capacity in Tozeur (60 MWp), Sidi Bouzid (60 MWp) and Tataouine (240 MWp) by Norwegian company Scatec. French IPP Akuo Energy and its partners HBG Holding and Nour Energy are also developing a 10 MWp solar power plant in Gabès. These power plants will sell the energy produced under power purchase agreements (PPAs) to the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (Steg).

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