Gjakova City Adopt Clean Heating with Biomass

  • Gjakova, a city in Kosovo’s west, has set an example for municipal authorities in the Balkans in switching to sustainable district energy technology With its new biomass-fired cogeneration plant and the ongoing reconstruction and expansion of the district heating network that it supplies. 
  • The EU provided EUR 15 million in total for the facility, which consists of two heat-only boilers, one combined heat and power unit and two heat storage spaces.

Gjakova, a city in Kosovo’s west, has set an example for municipal authorities in the Balkans in switching to sustainable district energy technology With its new biomass-fired cogeneration plant and the ongoing reconstruction and expansion of the district heating network that it supplies. The energy sector is the most significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and a heavy polluter. While the switch from electricity production to cleaner technologies is gaining pace, heating is more challenging. However, Gjakova (Đakovica in Serbian) and its district heating firm are already moving the needle with the introduction of biomass and the modernisation and expansion of the network. 

The project is a blueprint for other municipal units in Kosovo for the energy transition in the sector. She added that the utility’s Chief Executive Officer, Albana Skivjani, explained that the government is currently subsidising biomass purchases. However, next winter, the utility should be able to cover its expenditures alone, according to Skivjani. Calculated for a 24-hour heat supply from biomass, costs are 50% lower than they would be for fuel oil.

The EU provided EUR 15 million in total for the facility, which consists of two heat-only boilers, one combined heat and power unit and two heat storage spaces. The total heat production capacity is 15 MW, and the cogeneration system generates up to 1.1 MW of electricity. In addition, heat meters will enable customers to control consumption and pay accordingly. Also, Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs – SECO provided a EUR 4.5 million grant for the modernisation and expansion of the network, while the Municipality of Gjakova participated with EUR 500,000. As a result, the works are close to 90% done.

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