Global Installed Solar Capacity Attains 1TeraWatt Mark

  • China, the EU, and the US contribute over 50% of global installed solar capacity.

The world has successfully attained a 1 TeraWatt milestone of installed solar power generation capacity. Projections that the 1 TeraWatt mark was going to be achieved were based on expectations that at the end of 2020, there was already 788GW of solar paucity in place and an additional 183GW in 2021. However, these two incredible feats would still leave the world 210GW short of the 1 TeraWatt mark. 

However, the world has surpassed this landmark with just 73 days (20%) gone in 2022. The record now shows that global installed solar capacity stands at 1010GW. This means that measurement of solar power instalment can now be done in terawatts.

China is the most significant contributor to the figures, with over 100 GW as of 2017. The European Union attained this 100GW point before China in 2015. The United States also, in the first quarter of 2021, matched 100GW of installed solar power. These three countries account for over 50% of global solar installed capacity.

2021 was a milestone year in terms of generation. BP World Statistical Review of WOlrd Energy of 2021 revealed that 26.8 TeraWatt hours of electricity was generated in 2020, and of this figure, 855TW hrs came from solar generation. Consequently, given that solar capacity

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