Greece Preps for 600MW Wind and Solar Tender in March

  • Greece prepares to hold a mixed tender for wind and solar power projects
  • The tender is to be supported under the state’s aid scheme.

Energypress report states that Greece is getting ready to hold a mixed tender for 600MW of wind and solar power projects in March 2022. The tender is to be supported under the country’s EUR-2.27-billion (USD 2.57bn) state aid scheme.

Plans for the forthcoming tender round are expected to be officially announced by the end of this year.

The proposed capacity will be allocated among onshore wind and photovoltaic (PV) schemes, but the specific targets for each of the two categories are still not specified. According to the report, the quota could be increased if many new projects have reached maturity level.

Funding for the awarded capacity will be disbursed from Greece’s state aid scheme supporting power production from renewables and high-efficiency combined heat and power (CHP) plants. The programme was endorsed by the European Commission (EC) last week. It will be open until 2025 and provide funding for around 4.2GW of installed capacity through 20-year contracts. Roughly 3GW of the total is seen to come from onshore wind and solar power; unnamed sources told Energypress.


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