Green Arrow Capital to Develop New Wind-Solar Plant in Italy

  • Green Arrow Capital et al have signed an agreement to develop a floating hybrid wind-solar project off the coast of Corigliano.
  • The project will be able to generate over 160 GWh of solar energy per year.

Green Arrow Capital, SolarDuck and New Developments have signed an agreement to develop a floating hybrid wind-solar project off the coast of Corigliano Calabro (Cosenza) on the Gulf of Taranto. The project is among the first in Italy; it will have a capacity of 540 MW.

The project is part of the Green Arrow Infrastructure of the Future Fund (GAIF) investments, which invests in renewable energy and digital infrastructures in European markets and includes installing the ‘SolarDuck’ floating platform technology.

With 28 floating wind turbines at a 420 MW peak and a photovoltaic system at a 120 MW peak, it will generate over 160 GWh of solar energy annually.

The plant will have a minimal environmental impact and guarantee safe conditions in operation and during maintenance operations due to photovoltaic panels being off the coast.

Currently, the project is undergoing the permitting process and will to reach its Commercial Operation Date (COD) in 2028.

SolarDuck said in a press release that specific commitments have been made further to simplify authorisation procedures for offshore renewables in Italy. It pointed to the FER2 decree, which will soon introduce mechanisms to promote renewable energy projects, including offshore floating solar photovoltaic (OFPV).

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