Green Volt Floating Wind Secure Scotland’s Onshore Permit

  • Vargronn and Scotland’s Flotation Energy have secured onshore planning approval for their up to 560-MW Green Volt floating wind.
  • The location of Green Volt will be 80 km (49.7 mi) off the town of Peterhead to generate electricity to supply oil and gas platforms in the North Sea.

Offshore wind company Vargronn and Scotland’s Flotation Energy have secured onshore planning approval for their up to 560-MW Green Volt floating wind project in Scottish waters.

The joint venture partners announced the milestone when the Aberdeenshire Council issued a permit.

Also, with up to 35 floating wind turbines, the location of Green Volt will be 80 km (49.7 mi) off the town of Peterhead to generate electricity to supply oil and gas platforms in the North Sea and feed excess power to the UK grid.

After bidding in Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) round, Vargronn and Flotation were granted site exclusivity in March 2023. The project is now execution-ready and should become operational by 2029.

Green Volt will allow the complete retirement of existing offshore power generators and enable an 80 per cent reduction of the carbon emissions of the oil and gas platform’s power demand.

Furthermore, its contribution to Scotland’s net zero ambitions and The North Sea Transition Deal’s goal of lowering offshore emissions by at least 50 per cent by 2030 will be complemented by another floating wind project of Vargronn and Floatation—the Cenos Park, which will offer up 1,400 MW of capacity.

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