Greenwashing: The Sustainability Drive Red Flag

Greenwashing is a term used to describe the practice of making misleading or untrue claims about the environmental benefits of a product, service, or organisation. Greenwashing focuses on portraying a company as more environmentally friendly than it is, aiming to attract environmentally inclined consumers or concede with environmental regulations. It could be false claims about its environmental impact or vague or unreal assertions about a product’s environmental benefits. 

Products with labels claiming certifications that are “unverifiable” or vague tags like “green”, “eco-friendly”, or “100% recycled” without clearly stating the impact of these terms are typical examples of greenwashing. The effect of greenwashing on consumers is evident as these misleading claims make environmentally conscious consumers patronise products that are not necessarily sustainable, crushing the trust of consumers and frustrating the aim of the drive for more sustainable and responsible consumption. This phenomenon increases competition for sustainable products in the market.

Consumers have a role in arresting the pandemic of greenwashing globally by criticising and researching vague environmental claims about companies product’s environmental impact. This can be done through professional consultations, reading product reviews and browsing the company’s websites. Also, consumers should look out for reputable third-party organisations that certify products. Examples of these organisations include Energy Star certification for energy-efficient appliances, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for sustainably sourced wood products and the Cradle to Cradle certification for environmentally safe products.

Consumers need to support companies genuinely committed to reducing their carbon footprint in their production process and pay more attention to companies with transparent reporting on their green impacts projects advancing sustainable and responsible consumption to their public declaration. The concept of greenwashing severely impacts the consumer, companies and the environment. Consumers must be alert and play the vital role necessary to curb greenwashing and promote sustainable products.

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