Griot Studios Premieres “Up-NEPA” in Collaboration with Nextier’s Electricity Hub

Griot Studios, in collaboration with The Electricity Hub, a division of Nextier, hosted the premiere of the Up NEPA documentary on May 9, 2024.

The documentary premiere was held at the Genesis Cinemas at Ceddi Plaza, FCT, Abuja. Sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation, it was an assorted gathering of power sector stakeholders and enthusiasts to see its relevance and create awareness for the Government and electricity consumers.

Ishaya Bako directed “Up-NEPA,” which spotlights Nigeria’s dire electricity predicament. With breathtaking cinematography and a deeply resonates narrative, the film embarks audiences on a soul-stirring voyage nationwide, spotlighting resilient individuals and communities striving to make their mark in business, healthcare and daily life against the odds.

The creators of “Up-NEPA” exuded palpable excitement as they unveiled their labour of love to the world. Firm in their conviction, they believe the documentary has the potential to ignite poignant dialogues and galvanise local and national action.

The Up-NEPA documentary showcased several sub-themes, including the history of electricity in Nigeria, the electricity supply challenges, stakeholders’ views on possible solutions, and a realistic picture of how the power problem affects Nigerian businesses and the healthcare sector.

Initial “Up-Nepa” critics have praised its relevance and cinematic brilliance. Positioned amidst this year’s constellation of must-watch documentaries, the film promises to captivate hearts and minds alike with its resonant narrative and passionate call to arms.

In an era overshadowed by burgeoning environmental crises, “Up-NEPA” is an indispensable cinematic masterpiece. During the premiere, Griot Studios announced that the documentary would be available for everyone to watch at no cost via YouTube on May 31, 2024.

During the premiere, Emeka Okpukpara, Partner at Nextier, said the documentary is an impactful body of work that will help more Nigerians understand the power sector and its challenges while pushing them to come up with solutions. This is especially true now that states have been given the power to generate, transmit and distribute electricity.

About Up-NEPA

“Up Nepa”, crafted by Griot Studios, was helmed by Ishaya Bako, ace filmmaker and documentary maker. The film unravels the pressing need for innovative solutions to combat climate upheaval through its arresting visuals and poignant storytelling.

Watch the Up-NEPA documentary here

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