Guest Writing for The Hub

Guest Writing for The Hub

The Columnist publications comprise articles with word counts of between 600 – 1200 words. Although we have published shorter and longer pieces, we would like authors to confine their essays to 600 – 1500 words. You can include graphs, data analysis, and images that help to strengthen the message in your essay. (We reserve a right to replace any inserted image if we believe it is necessary). Please include links to sources cited, quotes or claims made in your articles.


Things to Note

TEH will publish insightful, thoughtful and unique opinions about Africa’s energy sector and climate action. So wow us!

Some articles we have published include;

Please note that ‘The Columnist’ articles are informative and opinion pieces that make a case for the specific subject matter, not press releases. Published articles cannot be published on other mediums unless previously discussed and agreed to with The Hub’s Editorial Team.


Some Writing Tips

KISS! Keep your writing short and simple. Always begin paragraphs with topic sentences, use short sentences and try to limit the use of jargon. Although the editorial team will fine-tune your work, we want you to edit your work. Always leave the reader more knowledgeable at the end of your essay. Spend as much time proposing solutions/recommendations as you do stating challenges.

When submitting an article, please include a bio, clearly state your professional or personal background (30 words or less), and share a high-quality picture of yourself. Also, you may include a link to your website or social media for increased visibility.

Email your submissions to