H2-Industries to Generate Hydrogen from Waste in Egypt

  • H2-Industries is set to produce hydrogen from organic waste
  • The project is Egypt’s 2nd major investment in hydrogen.

H2-Industries has just obtained approval from the Egyptian authorities to produce green hydrogen in the East Port Said industrial zone. The industrial park is located in the port city of Port Fuad and covers a total area of 1600 hectares.

Unlike other green hydrogen projects that rely on electricity generated from conventional renewable energy plants, H2-Industries’ project aims to convert waste into green hydrogen. The plant will utilise organic waste (especially agricultural) and non-recyclable plastic waste. The heat produced by the incineration of this waste will be used to generate electricity, which will be transformed into hydrogen.

“This is an exciting opportunity, which will turn the tons of waste collected in Egypt into green hydrogen. The waste-to-hydrogen plant is a breakthrough in making green hydrogen economically viable, helping not only to reduce global CO2 emissions but also to reduce pollution and degradation of water resources in the country,” Michael Stusch, executive chairman of H2-Industries explained.

The project is expected to require an investment of $3 billion. This is the second major investment announced for hydrogen production in Egypt.

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