How to Channel your Electricity Complaints

Electricity customers are often at crossroads when faced with problems related to the electric power they receive. While some customers know how to channel their problems to the right resource, some do not know how to go about it and most often manage the problem or call unrelated personnel to address the challenge.
During the week, a poll was conducted across The Electricity’s Hub social media platform. Electricity customers were asked if they had ever complained through a media channel or physical visit to their respective DisCos about an electrical challenge.

The poll results highlighted that 55.95 per cent of electricity customers had put a complaint across to their DisCo; 29.24 per cent have never laid a complaint to their electricity distributors; 4.67 per cent responded that they do not know the right channel to lay their complaint, and the final 10.14 per cent responded that although they know what to do, they have never felt like sending in a complaint.
Reporting electrical challenges is paramount to ensure the service improvement of any distribution company. Hence electricity customers have to be informed about the channels to get their complaints across rather than remain silent.

Electricity customers can reach distribution companies across several media. For example, all DisCos have an established customer care line that electrical customers can call to express their difficulties. Another medium to reach out to them is through their social media handles.
Given the advancement in technology, almost everyone has access to the internet; hence it is a stress-free means to reach a DisCo. Another medium is to walk to the respective offices within which a DisCo operates and lay a physical complaint.

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