HSE Launches New Solar Facility in Slovenia

  • HSE opened a 3MW solar facility in Prapretno.
  • It presently produces more than 10MWh per day on average.

Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), a state-owned electricity producer and trader in Slovenia, opened a 3MW solar facility in Prapretno, central Slovenia, in a formerly-occupied state area used for the deposition of fly ash and slag from a thermal power plant.

According to a statement released by the HSE, the Prapretno photovoltaic facility began sending power to the system as part of the start-up and functioning tests.

It presently produces more than 10MWh per day on average, and HSE anticipates that 6,748 modules will generate more than 3GWh of electricity per year. The power plant has a twenty-five-year life expectancy.


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