Ignite Power to Deploy SHS Kits in Mozambique

  • Rwanda-based Ignite Power has partnered with the Brilho programme to provide clean energy to unconnected people in Mozambique.
  • The company intends to commence operations in two new provinces and expand its services in one.
  • Ignite Power has also partnered with Mozambique’s government to provide clean energy services for almost 2 million people.

Mozambican Solar home systems supplier Ignite Power is now a partner with the Brilho programme. The programme initiated by the British government Aid organisation, UK Aid aims to improve energy access to about 1.5 million people. The programme has an investment fund of  £20 million ($27.7 million). However, the programme is being implemented by the Dutch Development Organisation (SNV), which supports suppliers of clean energy solutions like improved cookstoves, mini-grids, and solar home systems.

Read also: FG, Seven Firms Sign MoU to Deploy Solar Home Systems

Rwanda-based Ignite Power intends to utilise funding from the programme in its SHS distribution efforts in Niassa and Nampula provinces. The company is also looking to expand its activities in Zambezia province, Where it has operated since 2019.

According to Arthur Houston, Ignite Power’s Managing Director the programme will enable the company to establish a more significant impact and reach millions more, while supporting the Mozambican government’s goal of achieving universal access to electricity by 2030. He also stated that Ignite Power immediately after establishing a Maputo office signed an agreement with the Mozambican Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy for a $48 million investment in electrification via solar home systems and the distribution of eco-friendly cookers. It is expected that this government partnership will provide access to clean and sustainable energy for 1.8 million.

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