In recent years, more and more people have shown an interest in using renewable energy sources to generate electricity, including solar, wind, and hydropower. Wind, windmills, and turbines, as well as solar panels, which generate electricity from the sun, are some of the best-known renewable resource types. As the world experiences different levels of climate change and countries embrace the mass adoption of renewable energy technologies, it is imperative not just to look at the benefits accrued with renewable technologies but also consider other intricate issues, such as safety in the renewable energy space.
Safety in the renewable energy industry is essential and requires everyone’s involvement. The expectations and protocols should be clear and easy to comprehend, so everyone has a contingency plan and knows what to do daily and in emergencies. It is crucial to educate the populace, especially the energy-skilled and unskilled labour, on the risks but also have the knowledge to protect themselves or others if the situation becomes dangerous.
A critical component of safety mitigation in the renewable energy industry is setting clear expectations that outline what should be done in an emergency. These guidelines could include how to maintain equipment with regular maintenance, how often to complete inspections, training requirements for equipment, and using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while working.
Potential Risks with Renewable Energy
Risks are involved in the renewable energy industry since it uses unpredictable power sources, like wind and sun. Among the potential risks associated with converting these resources into power are working at great heights, misusing machinery, fires, confined spaces, and the risk of electrocution. A brief highlight of these risks are as follows:
· Falls
Falls can ensue while performing repairs to wind turbines, which can be about 250 feet above the ground level, or while repairing overhead electrical power lines. Any work being done on equipment over 6 feet from the ground requires an arresting device to secure the worker safely. Another important way to avoid fall hazards is to ensure that equipment, such as a lift or crane, is operated by a qualified and licensed operator. A lift is equipped with a guardrail system, and there are also safety net systems to put in place for additional security in cases of fall-hazard situations.
· Misuse of Machinery
One of the common risks in renewable energy can come from machinery misuse. This tends to happen most with geothermal pumps or wind turbines. Photovoltaic modules needed for solar energy can also cause injury. To avoid machinery misuse, operators or workers should prioritise having to take training courses and ensure the equipment is adequately maintained regularly.
· Fire Incidence
Fires could result from steam, heat, dust, pressure, and electricity. Workers in the renewable energy space must properly dispose of solid waste with thermal activity. Some energy sources contain hazardous chemicals and gases, so precautions must be taken during production, manufacturing, and onsite work. It is recommended that workers and operators wear long sleeve shirts and long pants or other clothing to help protect against heat and steam.
· Electricity Incidence
Electrical currents pose another safety risk in the renewable energy industry. This is the most common potential risk in the industry. An electrical current can cause burns and shock from the electricity travelling through an overhead power line or in a solar panel during installation. While working on overhead power lines, it is recommended to adhere to the right-of-way (ROW) and stay 10 feet away from overhead power lines. Extra care and precaution are also to be taken to ensure that tools and equipment are out of reach to avoid any electric current transfer.
· Confined Spaces
Renewable energy may require work in a confined space for repairs or maintenance. A side effect of being in a confined space could be poor ventilation. Poor ventilation can cause low oxygen levels, which can cause asphyxiation. It is recommended to use an axial or centrifugal blower to help with airflow while in these small areas. Working in confined areas is very common in the wind sector because of the interior work and operation needed for the turbines. The interior of these turbines or other confined spaces may contain live wires and unguarded machinery. It is recommended to use hoists and self-retracting lines to help remove the worker in any emergency and use a gas monitor to help stay aware of the changing conditions in the space.
In conclusion, renewable energy workers should know when to wear respirators, hearing protection, protective hats, and safety glasses. Workers and equipment operators should all complete training requirements for first-aid and all equipment on site. Regardless of the industry or workplace, every individual should complete a first-aid course that can be customised to provide emergency care in remote locations.