India Can Achieve Energy Independence by 2047- US study

  • The study shows that India’s energy independence pathway would involve the power sector installing more than 500 GW of non-fossil electricity generation capacity by 2030.
  • It said heavy industrial production could shift primarily to green hydrogen and electrification.

According to a study by the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, India can achieve energy independence by 2047, when it celebrates 100 years of independence. The “Pathways to Atmanirbhar Bharat” study also notes India’s energy infrastructure needs an investment of USD3 trillion in the coming decades. It determined that achieving energy independence will generate significant economic, environmental, and energy benefits for India, which include USD2.5 trillion in consumer savings through 2047, reducing fossil fuel import expenditure by 90 per cent or USD240 billion per year, enhancing India’s industrial competitiveness globally, and enabling its net-zero commitment ahead of schedule.

Berkeley Lab staff scientist and co-author Amol Phadke in a statement issued by the Department of Energy said, “India’s energy infrastructure requires a USD3 trillion investment in the coming decades, and our study finds that prioritizing new energy assets that are cost-effective and clean is crucial for long-term financial sustainability.”

The study shows that India’s energy independence pathway would involve the power sector installing more than 500 GW of non-fossil electricity generation capacity by 2030, a government-announced goal, followed by an 80 percent clean grid by 2040 and 90 percent by 2047. Also, nearly 100 percent of new vehicle sales could be electric by 2035. It said that heavy industrial production could shift primarily to green hydrogen and electrification.

It said that most of the lithium needed (estimated 2 million tons by 2040) for manufacturing new electric vehicles and grid-scale battery storage systems could be produced domestically using newly discovered reserves. According to the press release, the study also finds that India has a unique advantage to leapfrog to a clean energy future since the bulk of its energy infrastructure is yet to be built.

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