Women in Power

Throughout history, women have been popularly known to be in charge of domestic energy sourcing in both primary forms such as cooking fuels, and secondary forms such as consumable water. Even with the event of energy sources such as national grids, solar home systems, among others, there still has not been a lack of women in power.

In the celebrations of International Women’s Day, marking the goals, strengths and achievements of women around the world in all branches of life, the energy sector can not be left out. Although there is the general stereotype of the sector being a man’s domain, it has not stopped strong queens from participating and giving their best to ensure the sector runs smoothly.

Being that energy access is important, especially to women, an increase in it would make life easier for women across the world. In turn reducing risks of abuse, rape and insecurity against women in the process of energy sourcing.

The Electricity Hub joins the entire energy sector, and the world at large to celebrate women in power, who are not just those actively participating in the energy sector, but every woman who has made sacrifices to access energy, locally or industrially, to make life easier for her family.

Happy International Women’s Day.

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