Israel Launches First Hydrogen Fuel Station

  • Israel has launched its first hydrogen fuel station to power zero-emission vehicles.
  • Each station will require an investment of more than £1 million.

Israel has launched its first hydrogen fuel station to power zero-emission vehicles. Opening near Haifa Bay, the facility will allow drivers to easily fill up their hydrogen-powered cars with similar ease to petrol and diesel.

Sonol, Bazal and Colmobil have combined with the project, stating that how quickly hydrogen vehicles can be refuelled is an advantage over standard electric vehicles.

Transport is one of Israel’s most polluting sectors and has been circled as a priority for the country to lower its carbon footprint.

Sonol has stated that this is the first of many stations that it wants to build in the Middle Eastern country but warns that each station will require an investment of more than £1 million.

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