IVORY COAST: Citizens Bemoan Power Outages

The people of Ivory Coast have expressed anger and disappointment for the recent increase in power outages in the country. Businesses and millions of consumers have experienced severe power outages in the last few weeks.

The Ministry of Energy has blamed the constant outages on the low water levels at its hydroelectric dams and also the lack of adequate gas supply for its gas-fired power plants. The Azito plant in Abidjan which generates at least a third of the country’s electricity has suffered several breakdowns.

”Not a day goes by that we don’t have a power cut” a civil servant living in one of the largest cities, Korhogo said. The President of the Ivory Coast Consumers Confederation (COCO-CI) has lamented the increasing outages in the country. ”Electricity is failing more and more often, at work and in the homes” he said.

The Trade Union Confederation, Humanisme have noted with dismay the impact of the outages on the labour sector. Secretary-General Mamadou Soro said ”These cuts deeply affect the informal labour sector which makes up more than 70% of the national economy”.

Ivory Coast’s target for an additional 4000MW may be in jeopardy with the recent challenges in the sector.

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