JinkoSolar Sets Efficiency Record for Solar Cells

JinkoSolar has recorded a new world record conversion efficiency of 25.25% for large-size contact-passivated solar cells. According to the company, it achieved the recent results with its large-area N-type monocrystalline silicon solar cells.

The company says that the increased efficiency was possible because of material upgrades integration into the cell process and fabrication on a practical size of 267.4 sq cm of monocrystalline Czochralski (CZ) silicon substrates. The record has been independently confirmed by the National Institute of Metrology of China (NIM).

“We are very proud to have set three world records for the most advanced large-area N-type cell in the world in less than one year. Maximum cell conversion efficiency improved from 24.79% to 24.9%, and now to 25.25%,” commented Hao Jin, chief technology officer of JinkoSolar.

With the latest record, JinkoSolar can commence the mass production of its N-type TopCon cells.

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