Kano DisCo Gets Strike Notice Over Unremitted Pension

  • NUEE threatens Kano DisCo over unpaid pensions.
  • The DisCo has been issued 14 days to rectify the payment issue.

Nigeria Power Sector employees have issued a 14-day strike notice to the management of Kano Electricity Distribution Company (DisCo) over unremitted deducted pensions from their Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs).

Under the aegis of the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE), the workers threatened to cripple the operations of the distribution company should the management fail to do the right thing.

In a petition to the Managing Director\Chief Executive Officer, the workers decried the management’s persistent refusal to remit third party deductions and its flagrant disregard for agreements reached with the union on this and other outstanding Labour issues.

It recalled that the committee constituted to establish the outstanding payment owed to staff in KEDCO, which recommended a payment plan within four months, submitted its report via a document dated 21st January 2022, saying: “At a meeting held on 30th March 2022 between the Union and KEDCO management over delay in implementing the report of the committee highlighted above alongside promotion related- issues, management made a promise to commence payment without delay.

“Again, KEDCO management failed to live up to its agreement to commence payment of third party deduction and effect payment of new salaries to promoted staff without delay. The union expressed displeasure via memo NUEE/ZOS/KD/2022/170 dated 15th April 2022.

“You will also recall that an emergency meeting which coincided with the visit of the union’s national officers was held on 21st April 2022 where you promised to pay, yet to no avail.

“Still in the spirit of having industrial harmony and understanding, officials of the union led by the Vice-President (North/West) reached out to the CCSO on 1st June 2022 to address these issues; management promised to ensure payment as soon as the CFO returns from an official trip to Abuja.

Unfortunately, it appears that the CFO has refused to return from Abuja as about 12 months’ union dues, 12 months’ staff cooperative, 56 months’ contributory pension arrears, to mention a few, have not been remitted, and other labour issues unaddressed till date.”

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