KenGen Plans Expansion of Olkaria Geothermal Complex

  • KenGen completes feasibility studies to construct a geothermal facility in Nakuru county.
  • It also plans to commission the Olkaria VI plant.
  • The facility will have a capacity of 86 MWe.

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is completing feasibility studies for the expansion of the Olkaria geothermal plant. The 70% Kenyan state-owned company plans to develop a 7th phase of the plant with an expected capacity of 140MWe.

In the meantime, Kenya’s largest power producer (with a capacity of 1,814MW) is rounding up the construction of unit VI of the Olkaria complex. According to Peketsa Mangi, KenGen’s geothermal development manager, the plant will be commissioned in three months.

The construction of a 7th unit will make Olkaria the largest geothermal project in Africa with an installed capacity of 790MWe.

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