KENYA: Greenpeace Writes Kenyan Government, Demands an End to Coal Exploration

  • Greenpeace writes Kenyan government
  • Demands an end to coal exploration
  • Lists the impact of coal exploration on the environment

Environmental group Greenpeace has written the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, demanding an end to the continuous exploration of coal in Kenya.

”We are deeply concerned by the Treasury budget allocation of 1.3 Billion shillings to the exploration and mining of coal in Kenya.” the letter stated.

”Coal mining threatens our water resources, and sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from burning coal causes acid rain, smog and respiratory illnesses. Coal mining and burning is a direct threat to both the lives and livelihoods of Kenyans but also to the world’s climate.”

”Greenpeace Africa, deCOALonize and the local communities in Lamu and Kitui are certain that mining and investments in coal cause far more problems than coal-fired electricity could ever hope to solve.” the letter read.  ”The communities in Lamu and Kitui advocate for the right to live in a healthy and clean environment powered by just renewable energy.”

The group also asked for the reallocation of budget funding for coal exploration and to put a stop to coal mining in the country.

”Re-allocate the funds for coal exploration and mining to just, accessible, affordable and clean renewable energy projects in Kenya that will enable Kenyans to power their livelihoods, build back better from the Covid 19 crisis and build resilience to the already devastating climate crisis.” the statement read.


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