KENYA: Rural Electrification Agency to Connect 35,000 Customers to National Grid


  • REREC to connect 35,000 homes to the national grid
  • To construct 2,850km of transmission lines in 33 counties
  • Project cost KSh5.5 billion

Kenya’s Rural Electrification and Renewable Corporation (REREC) has commenced the Electrification of Public Facilities Project (EPFP) to connect at least 35,000 homes to the national grid network. The KSh 5.5 billion EPFP will see the construction of 2,850km of transmission lines and the installation of 1,200 transformers in the 33 counties.

Speaking on the project, the Chief Executive Officer REREC, Peter Mbugua, said, “Most of these power lines will be targeting public facilities including health facilities, schools, markets and town centres. After this, we will do what is known as transformer maximisation whereby all homesteads which lie 600 meters radius from a transformer, will be connected to electricity,”

The project is being financed by the Kenyan government, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, OPEC Fund for International Development, Saudi Fund for Development and Abu Dhabi Fund for Development. The project is expected to be completed in two years.

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