KENYA: Suspects Charged with Electricity Theft at Parliament

  • Two Kenyans caught in a bizarre vandalism attempt
  • Court orders probation reports on or before July 16th

Kenya power security officers on patrol halted an attempt to steal electricity cable at the parliament buildings. The suspects, Francis Kuria Mwangi and Nicholas Nwange, admitted to digging up a 66kV – a high voltage electricity cable worth Sh60,000, a property of Kenya Power and Lighting company.

The cable supplies electricity to Uhuru highway and Haile Selassie Avenue, including vital state installations. The security officers caught them in the act while digging out cables using a mattock, three spades, and a hacksaw to cut it.

The thieves admitted charges of vandalising electrical equipment and energy theft contrary to section 169 of the Energy Act. Mwangi and Mungai were also charged with stealing the cable they also admitted before senior resident magistrate Sharon Maroro of Kibera law courts.

While they plead for leniency, claiming they have families totally dependent on them and particularly sought a non-custodial sentence. Maroro has ordered the probation reports be tabled before her on July 14th before sentencing them.

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