Keyamo Advocates for Sustainable Aviation Fuel

  • Keyamo says the global framework must address the availability, reliability and affordability of Sustainable Aviation Fuel/LCAF and its cost impacts on airfares.
  • The African Union, under Agenda 2063, has identified the Single African Air Transport Market as one of the flagship projects to transform the aviation industry in Africa.

Festus Keyamo, the minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, has advised global aviation stakeholders on harmonising the development, production and deployment of the proposed Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Keyamo, during the ongoing Third ICAO Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels, reminded the organisers of the submissions at the 41st ICAO Assembly, where the global aviation stakeholders resolved to work together to strive to achieve a collective long-term global aspirational goal for international aviation (LTAG) of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The Aviation Minister said, “Cost and affordability are central issues to implement policies supporting the Vision. Noting that the price differential of Sustainable Aviation Fuel/Lower Carbon Aviation Fuel is higher than conventional jet fuels today, the global framework must address the availability, reliability and affordability of SAF/LCAF and its cost impacts on airfares. Any potential targets or any amount of SAF/LCAF and other cleaner energy for aviation to replace conventional fuels should be a global target without attribution or commitment of individual State targets.”

He further said that the African Union, under Agenda 2063, has identified the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) as one of the flagship projects to transform the aviation industry in Africa and promote socio-economic development and integration of Africa.

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