Koïca Finances Trainings in energy efficiency

  • The “Capacity Building of Local Authorities in Energy Efficiency” initiative in Morocco is financially supported by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KoÏca).
  • The project attempts to reduce local energy use to the minimum possible.

The “Capacity Building of Local Authorities in Energy Efficiency” project is now being implemented by the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE). The effort, supported technically by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KoÏca).

Yongwoo Jeong, KoÏca’s resident representative in Morocco, Saad Mouline, Amee’s director general, and Martine Therer, UNDP’s deputy resident representative in the Kingdom, recently inked an agreement between the three organizations.

One of the five pillars of Morocco’s transformation to a green economy is energy efficiency. This shift includes the development of resource-efficient green industrial ecosystems and the use of environmentally friendly transportation options to cut down on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

As part of this policy, Morocco and the European Union (EU) inked a “Green Partnership” in October 2022 for the advancement of renewable energies (biomass, green hydrogen, desalination, and marine energy) and electric mobility in the Kingdom. In addition, through the Paris Agreement (COP21) on climate change, Morocco expects to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 45.5% by 2030. This alliance will help put that plan into action.

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