KYA Energy Installs Off-Grid Solar in 20 Togolese Health Facilities

  • KYA Energy deploys solar off-grid solutions for health centres. ‘
  • The facilities will also provide additional services like phone charging for the community to generate revenue for operations and maintenance.

KYA Energy has completed the installation of mini-grids in 20 health facilities in Togo. A cumulative of 40kWP was installed under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Power Africa initiative. KYA also fitted the health centres with solar-powered automatic handwash stations, designed and assembled by KYA Green Energy Lab. Also, cell phone charging stations for the community, expected to generate revenue to cover the mini-grids operations and maintenance.

Yao Azoumah, CEO of KYA, notes that the company aims to help the government meet its universal electrification targets. KYA-Energy plans to expand its products and services to include school electrification, irrigation and local agricultural processing in Togo and West Africa.

Currently, only 50 per cent of the population have access to electricity in Togo. The government plans to increase this to 100 per cent by 2030. and believes that increased private sector participation is vital. The government is implementing several initiatives to achieve this, including; network extension, deploying mini-grids and solar power such as the 50MW Blitta PV plant. The government also plans to expand its first gas plant from 47MW to 65.5MW by the end of next year.

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