Lebanon’s Electricity Grid Restored Following Military Intervention

  • Military supplies fuel to power stations
  • EDL expects fuel shipment this week

The Lebanese electricity grid was restored yesterday, Sunday, following a nationwide blackout due to severe fuel shortages in the country. The Energy Minister, Walid Fayad, confirmed that the national grid was up and running following fuel supply to two key power stations by the Lebanese military. This is the second time this month that the Deir Ammar and Zahrani power plants would shut down due to fuel shortages.

”The network is back to normal, as it was before the gas oil ran out at Deir Ammar and Zahrani,” Fayad said in a statement. He thanked the military for supplying about 1.6 million gallons of gas oil, half of which he said went to each power station.

The cash strapped country has suffered severe fuel shortages in the last few months leading to a crisis in its electricity sector. Lebanon recently entered into an agreement with Jordan, Egypt and Iran for the supply of fuel and electricity in the coming months. However, the state-owned utility, Électricité du Liban (EDL), has stated that a shipment of fuel oil for electricity generation is expected to arrive this week.

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