Lekela Set to Deploy Battery Storage at 158MW Wind Farm in Senegal

  • Lekela Power has selected Danish company DNV to carry out the feasibility study for its battery storage project at the Taiba N’Diaye wind farm.

  • Lekela plans to install a 40MW storage system capable of providing 175MWh of electricity.
  • Lekela will sell the energy to Senelec via a PPP that the three parties will negotiate.

Lekela Power has selected Danish company DNV to carry out the feasibility study for its battery storage project at the 158.7 MW Taiba N’Diaye wind farm in the Tivaouane division, Senegal. Independent power producer, Lekela is a joint venture between UK investment fund Actis and Mainstream Renewable Power.  The Taiba N’Diaye wind farm, which was connected to the grid in 2020, comprises 46 wind turbines and generates about 15 per cent of Senegal’s electricity.

Read also: USTDA Provides Grant for Battery Storage Feasibility Studies In Mozambique and Senegal.

DNV will carry out the feasibility study with grant support from the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). Pending the study results, Lekela plans to install a 40MW storage system capable of providing 175MWh of electricity, enough to stabilise Senegal’s national grid (Senelec).
Construction to begin in 2022

As part of its study, DNV will help to develop the technical specifications of the battery storage system. According to Lekela, the storage system would have an operational life of up to 20 years. Lekela will sell the energy to Senelec via a PPP that the three parties will negotiate. This will be the first PPA for energy Storage in Senegal and West Africa.

Construction of the electricity storage system is set to commence in 2022.

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