LIBERIA: EU to Boost Electricity Supply in South-East Liberia

  • EU to boost electricity supply in Liberia
  • Approves $42 million in funding for the project
  • South-Eastern Liberian cities to benefit from the project

The European Union has approved the sum of $42 million for projects to boost electricity supply in some Liberian cities. The EU project aims at stimulating socio-economic development and improving the living conditions of the rural population in South-East Liberia. The cities to benefit from the project include Buchanan, Barclayville and Greenville all in the South-East region of the country.

While speaking to Frontpage Newspapers, the Head of Cooperation at the European Union in Liberia, Theododorus Kaspers, said “The agreement is signed for a total of US$42 million and it is supposed to bring electricity to a number of cities in the Southeast – Buchanan, Barclayville and Greenville in particular and in principle extend electricity to cities which are already being which are already being served from the lines across the border – Cote d’Ivoire.”

Country Manager, TransCo CLSG Liberia, Jerry Taylor has acknowledged the role of the EU in regards to the provision of financial support for the project. “The EU called us that there is funding for not only the backbone but also, for the distribution of electricity” he said.

The EU also hopes to have the involvement of the private sector.“It is important for us in support of the energy sector to engage with the private sector. In all countries in the world, you see a transformation from government-run entities to private sector; so, we need to find ways to attract the private sector in those cities to operate,” Mr Kasper said.

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