LIBERIA: LEC Laments High Commercial Losses

  • LEC laments high commercial losses
  • LEC working to reduce current loss levels

The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has lamented the increase in commercial losses at the utility. In addition, the Executive Director, Commercial and Regulatory, Sam Zimbe, has stated that the high rate of power theft can be attributed to the illegal activities of some residential and commercial consumers.

In a submission by the LEC, Mr Zimbe stated that the new Power Theft Law would help the LEC deal with the high levels of electricity theft. Zimbe noted that the current status of technical losses stands at about 12% and is expected to go up to 15%.  The LEC projects a reduction in commercial losses by 5% by the end of 2021.

Zimbe also added that the utility requires a considerable investment to deal with the issues of power theft.

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