LIBERIA: LEC, MCC Cooperate to Extend Electricity

  • Liberia to enjoy electricity access through a partnership of LEC and MCC
  • LEC and MCC aim to arrest power theft activities in the country

To minimize power theft and extend electricity supply to other communities within Montserrado County, the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) and the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) have established a new partnership aimed at responding to power theft.

At the establishment of the partnership on 9 September, Koijee said beginning this month, the MCC and LEC will begin taking down every billboard to enable LEC to run wires freely without causing problems.

“We will do this along with the Monrovia City Police, so we expect our people to cooperate because there will be a detour beginning Saturday,” Koijee said.

According to him, the partnership with the Liberia Electricity Corporation is meant to bring relief and to buttress the corporation’s efforts in its fight against power theft.

For his part, Mr Henry V. Kimber from the Project Coordination and Management Unit at LEC welcomed the partnership with the city corporation, saying LEC is glad to be in it. He explained that providing electricity is not all about finance, as there are environmental and social issues that tend to impact the LEC in providing services to people.

He thanked the Government of Liberia, the European Union, and the World Bank, including the city corporation, for forming the partnership.

Mr Kimber indicated that they would be extending electricity to Virginia and beyond. Since the war, the LEC power supply hasn’t reached Brewerville, saying it stops at St. Paul Bridge.
He noted that this partnership provides an opportunity for citizens on that side of Montserrado County to benefit from the electricity supply.

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