LIBERIA: LERC Announce Tariff Reductions From January 1st 2022


  • LERC approves tariff reduction
  • Reductions to take effect on 1st January 2022

The Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission (LERC) has announced electricity tariff reductions will take effect on 1st January 2022. The Commission reached the decision following technical analysis of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) and the costs of service delivery to consumers.

In the announcement, the Chairman of the LERC, Dr Lawrence Sekajipo, said, “As far as tariffs are concerned, our responsibility under the 2015 Electricity Law is to set tariffs that enable an efficient service provider to recover its cost, make a reasonable return, and provide incentives for continuous technical and economic improvements in the system,”

Consumers with monthly energy consumption of 50kWh or less shall pay 32% less for energy consumed, while residential customers will receive a 31% reduction in tariffs. In addition, commercial customers will receive a 37% reduction in tariffs.

“It is the Commission’s expectation that this exercise and other ongoing initiatives would spur LEC to increase customer’s connections and improve reliability and that the new prices would encourage good customer behaviour, ensuring the sustainability of the electricity supply service,” Dr Sekajipo added.

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