Making a Difference with our Choice

We go through life’s journey making a decision every step of the way and choosing to either carry out good, bad or ugly actions. Imagine creating a difference with your choice concerning improving the quality of electricity in the country.

Several actions affect the amount of electricity supplied in a given area aside from the technical challenges in generation and transmission infrastructure.

  1. Electricity theft: Electricity theft is one of the major bottlenecks of electricity distribution. It is the act of consuming electricity without paying for it. Electricity theft can be in the form of illegal connection, meter bypass, introducing strange elements into the metering device to alter reading accuracy, refusing to pay for electricity e.t.c. 
  2. Estimated Billing: Estimated billing is another challenge that affects adequate electricity distribution in an area. This challenge is on the distribution companies who monitor and bill their electricity customers charges for the power they consume. Customers have complained of their electricity charges being too high for them to remit. Estimated billing contributes to the rate of electricity theft as consumers would then decide to rob off on the distribution companies for billing them over.
  3. The vandalisation of electrical equipment: There are usually reported cases of electrical equipment either being stolen or vandalised. When a piece of electrical equipment is stolen from a transformer, it affects supply to the residents connected to the line. 

To improve the quality of electricity supply customers receive, individuals have to make a difference with their choice by making the right decisions.

Electricity theft, estimated billing, and the vandalisation of electrical equipment could be a thing of the past if individuals stop stealing electricity and electrical infrastructure; utility providers ensure that their customers are metered and end estimated billing.

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