MALAWI: Malawi, Mozambique Launch Interconnection Project

  • Malawi, Mozambique launch interconnection project
  • To construct a 218km high-voltage line between both countries

Malawi and Mozambique have launched an interconnection project which involves the construction of a high-voltage transmission line between the two countries. The International Development Association (IDA) will provide a $15 million facility for the project, while the European Union (EU) will fund the project with a $20 million grant from the German development agency, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

The construction of the 218km long high-voltage transmission line will commence in Phombeya, in the Balaka district of Malawi. The line will be connected to Mozambique’s national power grid from a 400 kV substation in Matambo, Tete Province, Mozambique. In addition, a second transmission line is expected to be built between Balaka in Malawi and Nacala in Mozambique.

The project will increase available capacity in Malawian as the country estimates a 1,860MW increase in electricity demand by 2030.

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